When does the club meet? The Club meets September through May. No meetings in June, July and August. The Club typically meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month. 9:00am is coffee/donut/socialization time. The meeting starts at 9:30. The usual location is the auditorium at the GVR East Center at the east end of Esperanza. Watch your email and check out our calendar on this website in the event we are temporally assigned another room.
What typically occurs at Club meetings? The first half hour is coffee and donuts. Then announcements are made. Some stories may be told during an Around the Campfire
time. Typically, there is a program on some type of outdoor activity. The programs are quite interesting and informative.
How much are the dues? Current annual dues are indicated on the membership application available for download on this website.
Does the Club sponsor any trips? Currently the Club does not sponsor any trips.
Is the club considered to be non-profit? Yes. The club is recognized by the IRS under a 501(c)(7) classification. Contributions to the club are not deductible for federal income tax purposes.
Will the club ever be classified as 501(c)(3) non-profit to make contributions deductible for federal income tax purposes? Possibly at some point. The club's activities and use of funds certainly meet the requirements under 501(c)(3). Various options are being explored to attain a 501(c)(3).
Do I have to be a GVR member to join the club? Yes. People holding a valid Tenant Card may also join.
Does the club operate independently of GVR? Yes, but it must follow all GVR rules and guidelines.
Does the club need Bylaws? Yes, they are based on a GVR template and approved by GVR, and they are posted to this website.
When do I have to pay the annual club dues? New members must pay the second time they attend any club activity. Thereafter dues will be due September 1st of each year.
Can my dues be refunded? No, not for any reason.
As a GVR member can I attend a couple of meetings to determine if I want to join the club? No, you can only attend one time before becoming a member.
When do I have to pay the annual club dues? New members must pay the second time they attend any club activity. Thereafter dues will be due September 1st of each year.
Is the Club governed by a Board of Directors? Yes, currently there are seven board members which is the minimum number. Board members are elected by the membership at the annual meeting and serve a three-year term.
How are annual dues determined? The club Board of Directors recommends the dues at the time the Annual Budget is prepared and the membership must approve the budget.
When is the Annual Budget approved? At the Annual Meeting.
When is the Annual Meeting? The date of the meeting is determined by the Board of Directors each year. Usually held in January.
Thank you for visiting our website; we hope to see you at one of our meetings.
Be an ethical outdoors person. Follow all rules and regulations.